Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hari Raya Party at Bagan, Penang

I terpaksa tunda sambungan kepada post dahulu memandangkan blog i telah dijumpai org opismate i. haih.. have to redo the whole thing again.. nak censor and filter few stuffs before i can actually post it here... kalau korang rajin nak tunggu..tunggu la ye...

Meanwhile, i'm posting some pictures taken masa last friday at Bagan. They were having a Hari Raya Party and of course, being fabulous as always, the party can't start without me..wah~

Biduanita Rozz DeDiva Ridzwan...all those haunting text sent should stop now. 
-Titistitisnoda DeDiva Ahmad 

l-r: rizman, dominic, me, khai, rozz

l-r: sam,rizman,rozz,me

l-r: leong,rozz,leong's twin (lupa la)


1 comment:

ROZZ said...

thanks for the photos babe!!!